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Why We're Building Another Reading App?

Understanding something requires going deep into it. This is simple yet often overlooked. We arguably know more than ever before, yet paradoxically, we understand less. Books have struggled to keep up with our changing needs, and computers, despite their promise, have not fully bridged this gap.


Expanding our understanding is a goal worth pursuing. It comes from exposure to different perspectives. Often, it takes powerful writing, imagery, audio, or someone showing us their viewpoint to truly grasp a concept.

So, what makes writing so powerful and how do we understand stuff better?


Great writing has the ability to bring readers into the author's perspective while helping them shape their own. Commentary is an essential part of what shapes our understanding and has been since time immemorial. This is why some of our best and most celebrated artists are commentators, jesters, and standup comics who add perspective to our world or show us the mirror. The best ones expand our understanding and show us a new side.


Remembering is a superpower. It helps form connections faster and understand better. New ideas often emerge from remembering connections, new and old.


Understanding also comes from context. Great teachers know your context and that of the world and do a good job of putting the two and two together.


However, we’ve outsourced both understanding and remembering while taking in only the cliff notes (though they too have a place). Meaning is an app that helps you understand, imagine and remember things. 

It helps you focus, remember and develop your own thought while showing you perspectives from the world,


It’s your companion to making sense of the world.

Aayushi · Krishna

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