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A new kind of reading & authoring experience to help you interact, understand, and remember better.

Let's explore through the story of Krish

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Krish, a freshman CS student, sits in his dorm, the weight of his friend's impending transfer crushing his spirits.

A looming test adds to

his anxiety. His phone buzzes.​​

It's Meaning,​ suggesting he review Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen et al.

"Not now.

Can you read me Harry Potter?"

"Mischief managed, Krish! Accio 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 4"

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Later in the day,

Krish walks out of 

Tech Entrepreneurship 101,

his mind buzzing with ideas. 

Meaning suggests,

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It's 9 PM, and

Krish finally starts studying for his exam. He opens Meaning to study the chapter on Heaps. 

Meaning has annotated the chapter with interactive visualisations.

Krish remembers the class ace - Ahmed, also uses Meaning.

With a tap, Krish switches to his friend Ahmed's comprehensive lecture notes, seamlessly integrated alongside.

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After studying, Krish initiates a self-test.


At 1 AM, Krish processes his feelings about his friend's departure. 

Inspired, he uses Meaning to create a rap comic imagining Steve Jobs and Wozniak as college friends.

He dedicates it to his friend and shares it with the world.

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In just one day, Meaning became his gateway to knowledge, creativity, and emotional insight, transforming his interaction with text and the world.

As Krish drifts off to sleep, other stories light up his imagination. 

From researchers to comic enthusiasts, Meaning enriches lives across diverse interests, helping them unlock new depths within the written word.

But those stories are for another day....

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